Package shout3d.core

The core package contains all the classes and interfaces that implement the core of the Shout3D scene graph architecture.


Interface Summary
Clock A Shout3D Core Clock
CoreShout3DViewer An interface which must implemented by a Core Viewer.
DeviceListener An interface which registers the interest of one or more DeviceObservers and passes DeviceInput information to each of them.
DeviceObserver An interface which must be implemented to by any class interested in monitoring device input.
FieldObserver An interface which implements a callback when a field changes value
Picker An interface which represents a Picker and provides required methods.
Renderer An interface which represents a renderer and provides required methods.
RenderObserver An interface which implements a callback from a Renderer
ResourceListener This provides an interface for registering the interest of one or more ResourceObservers.
ResourceObserver This provides an interface for obtaining notice that a resource has been loaded.
Searcher An interface which represents a Searcher and provides required methods.
Shout3DViewer An interface that extends CoreShout3DViewer to have Shout3D-specific features
UsageTypes An interface which provides constants for Field Usage types.

Class Summary
Anchor Anchor Node Class.
Appearance Appearance Node.
ArrayField An abstract class which is subclassed to create Shout3D Array Fields
Background A Background
BaseAppearance BaseAppearance Node.
BaseMap BaseMap Node.
BezierScalarInterpolator A BezierScalarInterpolator
BezierVecInterpolator A BezierVecInterpolator
Billboard A Billboard node.
Bindable Abstract base class for all Bindable nodes.
BooleanArrayField A Field whose value stores an array of booleans.
BooleanArrayStepInterp A BooleanArrayStepInterp
BooleanEventToCurrentTime BooleanEventToCurrentTime.
BooleanEventToInteger BooleanEventToInteger.
BooleanField A Field whose value stores a boolean.
BooleanStepInterp A BooleanStepInterp
Box Box.
BumpLevelMap BumpLevelMap Node.
ChannelDeformer A ChannelDeformer
Color A Color Node
ColorInterpolator A ColorInterpolator
Cone Cone.
Coordinate A Coordinate Node
CoordinateInterpolator A Coordinate Interpolator
CoordinateNodeInterpolator A Coordinate Node Interpolator keyValues are a list of Coordinate nodes.
CurrentTimeStepInterp A CurrentTimeStepInterp
Cylinder Cylinder.
DeformationChannel A DeformationChannel DeformationChannels deform arrays of points.
DeviceInput An abstract class which is subclassed to create Shout3D DeviceInputs, such as MouseInput, KeyboardInput, and WindowInput
DiffuseMap DiffuseMap Node.
DirectionalLight A Directional Light
DoubleArrayField A Field whose value stores an array of double precision floating point numbers.
DoubleArrayStepInterp A DoubleArrayStepInterp
DoubleEventToBoolean DoubleEventToBoolean.
DoubleEventToInteger DoubleEventToInteger.
DoubleField A Field whose value stores a double precision floating point number.
DoubleStepInterp A DoubleStepInterp
ElevationGrid ElevationGrid.
EnvironmentCubeMap EnvironmentCubeMap Node.
EnvironmentMap EnvironmentMap Node.
EnvironmentSphereMap EnvironmentSphereMap Node.
EulerXYZInterpolator A EulerXYZInterpolator
Extrusion Extrusion.
Field An abstract class which is subclassed to create Shout3D Fields
FloatArrayField A Field whose value stores an array of floats.
FloatArrayStepInterp A FloatArrayStepInterp
FloatField A Field whose value stores a float.
FloatStepInterp A FloatStepInterp
FractionRemapper FractionRemapper maps a fraction to play a range of keyframes of connected Interpolators.
Geometry A Geometry
Group A Group.
IndexedFaceSet An IndexedFaceSet
IntArrayField A Field whose value stores an array of ints.
IntArrayStepInterp A IntArrayStepInterp
Interpolator An Interpolator
IntField A Field whose value stores a float.
IntStepInterp A IntStepInterp
KeyboardInput A class for describing keyboard input.
KeyframeInterpolator A KeyframeInterpolator
Light A Light
Material A Material
MouseInput A class for describing basic mouse input.
MultiMesh MultiMesh Node.
NavigationInfo A NavigationInfo class.
Node An abstract class which is subclassed to create Shout3D Nodes.
NodeArrayField A Field whose value stores an array of Nodes.
NodeArrayStepInterp A NodeArrayStepInterp
NodeField A Field whose value stores a Node.
NodeStepInterp A NodeStepInterp
NurbsLineSet NurbsLineSet.
NurbsSurface NurbsSurface.
OpacityLevelMap OpacityLevelMap Node.
OrientationInterpolator An Orientation Interpolator
Panorama A Panorama
PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer A PhysiqueSkeletalDeformer
PixelBasedTexture An PixelBasedTexture
PositionInterpolator A PositionInterpolator
PostRenderEffect A PostRenderEffect
ProgressiveAntialias A Progressive Antialiase Post Render Effect.
RotationDefChannel A RotationDefChannel A DeformationChannel that rotates points based on a single rotation, a single center, and an array of weights.
ScalarInterpolator A ScalarInterpolator
Shape The basic Shape class.
SingleTextureMap SingleTextureMap Node.
SpecularLevelMap SpecularLevelMap Node.
Sphere Sphere.
StillCamProgAntialias A Still Camera Progressive Antialiase Post Render Effect.
StringArrayField A Field whose value stores an array of Strings.
StringArrayStepInterp A StringArrayStepInterp
StringField A Field whose value stores a String.
StringStepInterp A StringStepInterp
Switch A Switch.
TCBBaseInterpolator A Base Class for TCB Vector Interpolators
TCBInterpolator A TCB Interpolator
TCBOrientationInterpolator A TCB Orientation Interpolator
TCBScalarInterpolator A TCBScalarInterpolator
TCBVecInterpolator A TCB Vector Interpolator
Texture A Texture
TextureCoordinate A TextureCoordinate Node
TextureMapping TextureMapping Node.
TextureTransformMapping TextureTransformMapping Node.
TimeSensor A TimeSensor
TouchSensor TouchSensor Node Class.
Transform A Transform.
TranslationArrayDefChannel A TranslationArrayDefChannel A DeformationChannel that translates points based on an array of translations, with a unique translation for each point to be deformed.
TranslationDefChannel A TranslationDefChannel A DeformationChannel that translates points based on a single translation and an array of weights.
Viewpoint A Viewpoint
WindowInput A class for describing basic window input.
WorldInfo WorldInfo.

Exception Summary
Shout3DException Any Exception thrown by Shout3D.

Package shout3d.core Description

The core package contains all the classes and interfaces that implement the core of the Shout3D scene graph architecture.